Over the last three days the Under 15 squad obtained two wins in its final Winter League commitments. On Sunday the boys beat Sliema 9-8
while yesterday they beat Sirens 10-6. The boys finished off their official matches in this league having won all the games except the second match against
Neptunes where the team was unlucky not to be in a position to field its best squad. Following these results, San Giljan are likely to place joint first with
Neptunes, the latter being declared winners on a better goal difference in direct clashes. Congratulations also go to Neptunes for this result.
These last two results crown a very good winter league which saw some boys displaying a remarkable improvement in their performance while
others are steadily maturing both in terms of performance as well as in their leadership skills which they are using to the service of the whole team. The
hard training carried out by coach Bogdan Rath in the winter months seems to be paying off as we look forward to keep on seeing further improvements during the
junior leagues that are held in summer.