Another very good turnout for the second pre-summer BBQ lunch

The second fund raising BBQ lunch organized at the Pitch saw another very good turnout. The general atmosphere was really good. The Club’s premises were showing off the recent face lift which made the place once again welcoming. The good turnout was particularly appreciated as the organization of this event required a lot of effort. Those present enjoyed the delicious food prepared by the Committee and other helpers such as Charles Galea and David Martin who looked after the BBQ. John Caruana helped out at the Bar while Ronnie Gruppetta also helped out after the BBQ to clear the tables and chairs.

All enjoyed each other’s company and this nice sunny Sunday spent at the Club was indeed the best foretaste of  the summer season which is fast approaching. This event brought together the Committee, players and technical staff of the Senior Team, junior players and their parents, Club Members, their families and friends in a friendly atmosphere.

Whilst thanking those who attended, the Committee looks forward to similar turnouts in the coming events. This would provide the Committee with the much needed funds while getting together the various components of the Club.

