Full fixture programme for the Under 13’s Winter League

The following is the full fixture programme for the Under 13’s Winter League:

Sat 09 Feb U13 DAY 1 14.30 Neptunes San Giljan
Sat 09 Feb U13 DAY 1 14.55 Exiles Sliema
Sat 09 Feb U13 DAY 1 15.20 Mscala Sirens
Sat 09 Feb U13 DAY 1 15.45 Neptunes Sliema
Sat 09 Feb U13 DAY 1 16.10 Sirens San Giljan
Sat 09 Feb U13 DAY 1 16.30 Exiles M’scala
to be announced U15 DAY 2 14.30 San Giljan Exiles
U15 DAY 2 14.55 Sirens Neptunes
U15 DAY 2 15.20 M’scala Sliema
U15 DAY 2 15.45 San Giljan Sliema
U15 DAY 2 16.10 Sirens Exiles
U15 DAY 2 16.30 M’scala Neptunes
U15 DAY 3 14.30 Exiles Neptunes
U15 DAY 3 14.55 Sliema Sirens
U15 DAY 3 15.20 San Giljan M’scala
U15 DAY 3 15.45 Sliema Exiles
U15 DAY 3 16.10 San Giljan Neptunes
U15 DAY 3 16.30 Sirens M’scala
U15 DAY 4 14.30 Exiles San Giljan
U15 DAY 4 14.55 Neptunes Sirens
U15 DAY 4 15.20 Sliema Mscala
U15 DAY 4 15.45 Sliema Neptunes
U15 DAY 4 16.10 San Giljan Sirens
U15 DAY 4 16.30 M’scala Exiles
U15 DAY 5 14.30 Sliema San Giljan
U15 DAY 5 14.55 Exiles Sirens
U15 DAY 5 15.20 Neptunes M’scala
U15 DAY 5 15.45 Neptunes Exiles
U15 DAY 5 16.10 Sirens Sliema
U15 DAY 5 16.30 M’scala San Giljan