The Extraordinary General Meeting held on Monday 17th March at the Hilton Hotel registered a very good turnout.
The meeting was addressed by the President Dr Daniel Aquilina.
A Motion put forward to the Members by the Executive Committee was approved unanimously.
The Club’s executive structure then proceeded to describe the Club Lido Rates for 2014 as these services will be distinct from the Club’s membership as had previously been established. The Club’s membership fee exclusive to the use of lido facilities is of 25 Euros while the Lido Membership is being set at 100 Euros. Those who will be paying both memberships will pay 100 Euros in all.
The meeting also featured the Presentation of the new Club Main Sponsor Allcare Insurance Limited. Dr. Simon Schembri addressed the meeting on behalf of the Sponsor and explained the rationale of the Company behind this three year deal while also explaining to those present the advantageous schemes and discounts that will be granted to Club Members.
Finally the meeting ended with the presentation of the new Caterers who will be taking over the lease of the Club’s catering facilities as from this year.