The President of San Giljan ASC has called the Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 20th November 2020 at St Julian’s Parish Hall, St. Julian’s at 6.30pm.
Kindly note that given the current situation, 30 seats on a first come first served basis, will be available for members who wish to physically attend. Face masks must be worn at all times. People attending to the AGM without a mask will be refused entry.
(30 Seats have now been booked, Thank you)
An online attendance can be made from the comfort of your own home by Google meets – Meeting link and ID will be sent to members on the day via email.
As per Club Statue, only paid up full club members hold the right to speak during the meeting, propose amendments and vote during the election for the new Committee. A form of identification must be provided to be eligible to vote.
Secretary’s Report
Financial Report
President’s Address
Amendments to Statue
Election of the New Committee
Other Matters
Thank you,
San Giljan ASC